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Reduce Noise Levels with Acoustic Insulation

Reduce Noise Levels with Acoustic Insulation

          A home is a place of happiness and relaxation. It's where we can let rest after a long day of work or whatever else life throws our way. However, the surrounding environment may not always be conducive to complete relaxation, especially when it comes to noise pollution.
          To prevent these problems from disrupting your peace and quiet, we recommend installing acoustic insulation in the ceiling and walls of your home. This will prevent noise from entering your home during your rest time. Before you go out and buy acoustic insulation, let's take a look at what it is and how it works.

          Acoustic insulation is an insulating sheet used to prevent sound from passing through or reduce the transmission of sound. In order to prevent sound from coming into the room or passing outside of the room. Acoustic insulation is made from synthetic rubber or various types of fibers such as asbestos or glass fibers. These fibers will have special properties in soundproofing and protect from heat very well. Including not being dangerous to humans. By installing acoustic insulation, it will be installed in the ceiling area and within the structure of the entire wall. Including being able to install it under the floor, if you don't want the noise from downstairs to disturb you. Suitable for use in various rooms such as bedrooms, living rooms, offices, meeting rooms, seminar rooms, or rooms that require quietness.

Benefits of Acoustic Insulation

          • Protects occupants from external noise: Reduces noise from outside sources such as traffic, machinery, and neighbors. Enhances privacy. Provides a more relaxing and comfortable living environment for occupants.
          • Reduces sound reflection and transmission within living space: Prevents echoes and reverberation. Creates a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment.
          • Protects against noise from weather conditions: Absorbs sound from rain, hail, and other weather events. Reduces the impact noise on the roof.

Types of Acoustic Insulation

1. Low-density fiberglass acoustic insulation:

          • Affordable, easy to find, and popular
          • Made from thin fiberglass, resulting in a lower density
          • Suitable for mitigating moderate noise levels
          • Examples of use: Installing in bedrooms to block outside noise, installing in condos to block noise from neighboring units

2. High-density fiberglass acoustic insulation:

          • More expensive than the first type
          • Made from thicker fiberglass strands
          • Suitable for preventing noise in areas with high noise levels
          • Examples of use: Industrial factories with machinery, reducing noise from inside the factory to outside

3. Synthetic rubber acoustic insulation:

          • Made from polyethylene foam or polyurethane
          • Lightweight and affordable
          • Durable and moisture resistant
          • Does not cause mold growth over time
          • Suitable for laying on ceilings in homes, condos, hotels, office buildings, and department stores

4. Rockwool acoustic insulation:

          • Made from limestone and basalt melted in a high-temperature furnace and spun into fibers
          • Has good acoustic insulation properties, environmentally friendly
          • Also provides thermal insulation and some fire resistance
          • Suitable for installation in office buildings, factories, and large areas

How to Choose Acoustic Insulation – H2
          The choice of acoustic insulation depends on your specific needs. Consider the following two important factors:
          1. STL (Sound Transmission Loss): The ability to reduce sound transmission from one space to another.
The higher the STL value, the better the soundproofing performance.
          2. STC (Sound Transmission Class): Indicates the effectiveness of soundproofing materials in blocking airborne sound through walls, floors, or ceilings. Calculated from STL values. Divided into the following measurement criteria:
          STC 40: Low noise reduction, faint sounds are audible during normal conversation.
          STC 50: Improved noise reduction, shouting is barely audible, normal conversation is inaudible. Suitable for meeting rooms.
          STC 60: Shouting is completely inaudible. Suitable for quiet rooms such as recording studios, music practice rooms, or home theaters.
          STC 70 up: Maximum noise reduction. Suitable for cinemas, entertainment venues, and industrial factories.

          Once you know the benefits and types of soundproofing insulation, you can choose the right insulation for your home. However, it is recommended to have a professional installer install it.

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