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Chang ceilings new ones prevent water leakage

Chang ceilings new ones prevent water leakage

When it's approaching the rainy season What many people may be worried about is the problem of water leaks. Because this problem may cause the ceiling of the house to Especially the original ceiling that has been in use for a long time has collapsed. Including your furniture and floors may be damaged. It's called one problem, but it can have a huge impact on your home. So if you notice that the ceiling is too old, You should solve the problem by changing the sheet to a new one, preferably choosing a material that is more resistant to moisture.

Warning signs that you should quickly change your ceiling

1. Traces of brown stains on the ceiling It is the first warning sign that comes from rainwater leaks or water from upstairs bathrooms leaking down, causing the ceiling panels to absorb water and gradually accumulate until stains form.

2. Mold growing on the ceiling It is caused by a problem of water leaking and causing moisture to accumulate until it forms mold that can spread around the room, making your room look dirty, smell bad, and be unlivable. You can initially get rid of it by mixing vinegar with water and pouring it into a spray bottle to spray the fungus-affected area with a sponge and scrubbing before rinsing thoroughly with water again. Or you can use the method of scraping the ceiling in that area and painting a damp-proof primer over it.

3. Swollen ceiling are a warning sign in the next stage, which can be observed when the color of the blemishes begins to peel off. The cause is that the ceiling panels have accumulated too much moisture and if no correction is made in the early stages the ceiling is still just a brown stain. It may cause your ceiling panels to enter the next stage where they are at risk of collapsing.

4. The ceiling tile broken through. It wouldn't be good if you neglected to change the ceiling until you let it reach the stage where the ceiling tile has broken through. and fell down Because in addition to making your house dirty from ceiling debris, It also causes the house to lack protection from water that continues to leak. Risk of touching furniture and adding moisture to the floor of the house, which can result in additional damage.

When you encounter the warning signs above You should immediately change the ceiling panels and check for water leaks on the roof or water pipes immediately. Especially when it's getting closer to the rainy season like this. Because even if you change the ceiling panels with new ones that have moisture resistant properties, how much? But if the root cause of the water leak is not resolved, We believe that the problems that cause the ceiling to collapse, the ceiling to swell, and the ceiling to penetrate will still remain the same.

How many types of ceiling boards are there? And how should you choose to buy?

Choosing to buy ceiling boards You should know the types and properties of ceiling panels. To help you put it to good use. Mostly, there are 2 types of ceilings used to make ceilings in houses or rooms as follows:

  • Fiber cement ceiling board : Made from cement. Finely ground sand Cellulose fibers, water and other additives are mixed together before being pressed into sheets by high-pressure steam. It has the outstanding feature of being flexible and able to bend well. Prevents heat conduction from sunlight well. Importantly, it can withstand humidity to a certain extent. which is a ceiling board that is suitable for installation inside buildings Including bathrooms with dry zones.
  • Gypsum ceiling board : or gypsum board, made from gypsum mineral powder that is mixed with fibers. Some manufacturers may mix it with special substances. Then one or both sides of the surface are covered with tough paper. increase durability It is also subdivided into 5 types:
  • Ordinary type of ceiling board is gypsum ceiling board which is made from gypsum mineral only. Therefore, it does not have much of a feature to help protect against humidity when entering the rainy season.
  • Moisture resistant ceiling board It is a gypsum board that has been mixed with a special substance that helps prevent moisture absorption into the inside of the gypsum board to a certain extent. It is commonly used to install ceilings in bathrooms, kitchens, or rooms that are under roofs and water pipe systems. If anyone is planning to change the ceiling to cope with the rainy season that is approaching. This type of gypsum ceiling board may be ideal.
  • Heat-resistant ceiling board. Behind the board is lined with aluminum foil. To help reflect heat rays from sunlight. and reduce heat from sunlight transmitted into the room Suitable for ceilings and walls of rooms attached to the roof, such as basements and bedrooms.
  • Fireproof ceiling board Made from gypsum minerals are mixed with fire retardants. To help withstand fire for approximately 1-4 hours when an emergency such as a fire occurs. Suitable for use in ceilings in fire escape corridors. Elevator compartment and kitchen
  • Anti-reflection ceiling board The whole sheet will have holes. To help absorb sound Prevents echoes and echoes to a certain extent. They are often installed in meeting rooms, office rooms, airports and department stores.

You should also consider the size of the ceiling board. The commonly used sizes are 120 x 240 cm and 60 x 240 cm, but this depends on the size of the ceiling you want to install as well. In case the size doesn't fit, you can take the ceiling board to measure and cut as needed.

Equipment used in conjunction with ceiling boards

1. Pro Well Angle : It is a rough frame used as a base for placing the C-Line by measuring the height and attaching the frame to the walls around the room.

2. Hanger Wire : Used for attaching to the roof frame to help hold the C-Line in place. Used with adjustable spring locks and Por Pla hooks.

3. Spring Lock : It looks like a steel plate with 2 holes at the end. It is used to hold the hanger wire and Por Pla hooks together.

4. Por Pla hooks used to hang the pattern The end of the wire that is not the hook is inserted into the spring adjustment hole from the bottom up to the top hole. The hook part will be hung from the bottom and hung on the C-line.

5. C-Line : It is a device that will be used to weld and install the Pro Well Angle . It will be placed horizontally first before the next layer is placed vertically. There should be equal distances apart to serve as a base for attaching the ceiling boards.

6. Locking key Also known as a locking key, it is a steel plate that will be folded according to a specified mark. To be used to attach horizontal and vertical C-line rails together. Makes the C-Line more solid

7. Expansion Bolt Used for drilling and fastening various materials together, whether it be to attach the Pro Well Angle to the wall. Attach the Pro Well Angle to the C-line frame. and attach the gypsum board to the Pro Well Angle. to increase density

8. Gypsum Plaster It is a type of plaster that is used to cover the joints of each gypsum board. Keep neatness along the edge of the ceiling. Including covering nail marks, screw marks, or cracks, making the ceiling smooth before painting or installing wallpaper. Normally it will be plastered about 3 times.

9. Gypsum Tape Helps to keep along the edge of the wall and the joints between the gypsum boards like gypsum plaster. This will be used after applying the plaster for the first time.

Ceiling board installation pattern

Ceiling board installation styles often vary depending on the ceiling design you have designed. But in most cases, the installation of the outline for a smooth plaster ceiling and T-Bar ceiling frame It will be the most popular format. which has the following installation method:

  • How to install a smooth plaster ceiling

1. Measure the appropriate height of the ceiling. Don't let it be too low. And use a pencil to mark the spot on the wall to install Pro Well Angle. Fix it to the walls around the room with Expansion Bolt or self-tapping screws. Each point should be fixed no more than 30 cm apart to be used as a base for placing C-. line

2. Install Hanger Wire to the roof at each point not exceeding 1.20 meters (depending on the size of each room) and use a Spring Lock that looks like a steel plate with 2 holes at both ends, 1 hole on each side, for fastening. Hanger Wire and Por Pla hooks together.

3. Then place the C-Line horizontally on the Pro Well Angle and fix it to the Pro Well Angle with an Expansion Bolt or self-tapping screw at the same distance as the Hanger Wire before placing another layer of C-Line on top horizontally. They should be evenly spaced and locked with the Locking key used to hold the horizontal and vertical C-lines together. for another level of tightness

4. Then adjust the Hanger Wire level to suit the C-line and use the end of the Por Pla hooks to attach the lock to the C-line to hang the entire frame to the roof frame.

5. Take the ceiling board and attach it to the C-line frame that we have installed with screws.

6. Make the joints between the panels beautiful by using Gypsum Plaster, smoothing the joints, including the edges between the walls, and then covering them again with gypsum tape and plastering with one more round of plaster.

7. Then wait for the cement to dry and scrub with sandpaper to make it smooth. before plastering with cement again This step may require plastering and sanding with sandpaper a total of 3 times.

  • How to install a T-bar ceiling

1. First, you measure the appropriate ceiling height. And use a pencil to mark a point on the wall to install Pro Well Angle onto the walls around the room with self-tapping screws. To be used as a base for placing the C-line, each point should be fixed not more than 30 cm apart.

2. Install the Hanger Wire to the roof at each point not more than 1.20 meters (depending on the size of each room) and use a Spring Lock that looks like a steel plate with 2 holes at both ends, 1 hole on each side, for fastening. Hanger Wire and Por Pla hooks together. The above 2 steps are no different from installing with a smooth plaster ceiling frame.

3. Place the C-Line so that it is slightly larger than the size of the T-bar ceiling board. This should be measured mainly from the size of the T-bar ceiling panels and fixed with screws. The resulting outline will be an evenly square frame, as shown in the picture.

4. Take the T-bar sheet and place it along the frame holes that we will already mark. That's it, you will now have a complete T-bar ceiling.

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