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How to Fix a Clogged Drain by Yourself

How to Fix a Clogged Drain by Yourself

          When it comes to problems in the home, water and electrical issues are the ones you don't want to ignore. They can quickly turn into big problems if you don't fix them right away. This is especially true for clogged drains in the bathroom or kitchen, which are areas where you use a lot of water. If the water can't drain, it can be a real pain for everyone in the house. And let's not forget about the mess and bad smells that can come with a clogged drain.
          However, in order to solve a problem, we need to find the cause and understand the root of the problem before we can fix it properly. In this article, I will present a step-by-step guide to unclogging drains. We will start by identifying the cause, then move on to solutions using everyday items, and finally, solutions using specialized products. All of these can be done yourself, without the need for a plumber.

Step 1: Identify the Cause

- Clogged drains in the sink

          If your sink drain is clogged, it's probably because of food. You may have accidentally dropped food scraps down the drain, or you may have thought it was no big deal. Over time, these food scraps can build up and clog the drain. And if there's also grease from food, that will make the clog even worse.

- Clogged drains in the bathroom

          If your bathroom drain is clogged, it's probably because of hair. Long hair is especially likely to clump together. And other stuff, like dirt, soap scum, shampoo, and conditioner, can also make the clog worse.

- Clogged drains at the toilet

          The toilet is probably the last place you want to be clogged, because it's a collection of dirt from waste excreted from the body. In this area, if it is clogged, it is likely due to materials that cannot be naturally decomposed, such as toilet paper and sanitary pads that are thrown down before flushing the toilet.

Step 2: Try to fix a clogged drain with household items

- Dish soap and boiling water

          The common cause of a clogged drain is grease and dirt. You can remove these clogs by pouring dish soap into the drain, letting it wait for a few minutes, and then pouring boiling water down the drain. The heat from the water will help to melt the grease and loosen the clog.

- Clothes hanger

          If you think that the clog is caused by hair or food particles, try using a clothes hanger. Straighten it out and bend one end into a hook. Then, insert the hooked end into the drain to hook the hair or food particles and pull them out.

- Baking soda and vinegar

          This is a scientific way to clear dirt from the drain. First, pour half a cup of baking soda into the drain, then follow with half a cup of vinegar. Until carbon dioxide gas is produced and bubbles come up. This is a chemical reaction that has the ability to corrode dirt. Then pour boiling water down the drain again to clear the pipe again. But be extra careful.

Step 3: Solve the problem with a specific product

- Drain cleaner

          This stuff is specifically designed to clear clogs. It is very easy to use. Just pour it down the drain, wait 15-30 minutes for it to do its thing, then flush with water and the clog is gone.
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- Drain snake

          It is made of high-quality steel wire spring. It is used to unclog drains. It is very easy to use. Just insert the steel wire spring into the drain as deep as needed. Then, turn the plastic handle continuously. The dirt inside the pipe will be stuck to the wire spring, especially hair and food scraps, which will come off easily when they encounter the snake.
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- Drain cleaning powder

          This powder is specifically designed to prevent clogs in the toilet. It works by using bacteria to break down waste. Simply pour the powder into the toilet and flush. The bacteria will go into the septic tank and break down organic waste. It will also help to eliminate foul odors from the bathroom. However, this method should be done before the toilet clogs, once a year, depending on the size of the septic tank.
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          Here are some simple ways to fix a clogged drain that you can do yourself. But even if you've fixed the problem, there's one thing you shouldn't forget to do to prevent it from happening again: regularly check and clean your drains. For example, don't dump food scraps down the drain, don't throw things down the toilet, and use drain cleaner regularly. By doing this, you can help to prevent future clogs.

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