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How To Line A Pond With Plastic Pond Liners That Is Easy And Practical!

How To Line A Pond With Plastic Pond Liners That Is Easy And Practical!

Plastic pond liners are an alternative equipment for agriculture. Its appearance will look like a plastic film used for covering soil or agricultural fields in the desired area. It can also be used in lining aquatic animal ponds or making ponds to prevent leaks. Whoever wants to lead "Plastic pond lining" is used to line various ponds. Today we have a simple way to prepare a plastic pond for everyone, even if you don't dig the soil or prepare the area yourself. But knowing the techniques will definitely be helpful in talking with the technician!

Adjusting the area and preparing the pond before laying down plastic.

  • Prepare the area: Before starting to lay the plastic pond, you must prepare the topsoil of the pond to be ready for laying the pond. By eliminating foreign objects or sharp objects that may cause damage to the plastic pond during use, such as tree branches, rocks, and garbage.
  • Choose the appropriate thickness: Choose the thickness of the pond lining plastic that is appropriate for the soil conditions. To reduce damage from plastic laying For example, choosing the thickness of pond lining plastic.
    • Thickness 0.07 - 0.15 mm.: Suitable for mulching, covering vegetable plots.
    • Thickness 0.20 - 0.25 millimeters, suitable for use as mulch to prevent grass from growing. Or you can lay a preliminary pond.
    • Thickness 0.30 - 0.50 mm.: Suitable for laying agricultural ponds and water storage ponds.
    • Thickness 0.3 millimeters: Can be laid on sandy soil without worrying about sharp objects cutting the plastic.
    • Thickness 0.5 mm.: Can be laid on soil mixed with rocks. But be careful of sharp rocks or tree branches that may cause cracks in the plastic.
  • Digging a pond: Dig a pond according to the desired size and line it with plastic. To be used to store water according to the desired size. Ready to decorate the surface of the soil to be as neat as possible. By eliminating both sharp stones and tree branch fragments before laying the plastic pond first.
  • Place the pond tile and install necessary accessories: Once the pond surface has been decorated, Plastic can be immediately laid over the pond area. And don't forget to consider installing an overflow drain to use to dispose of waste from the pond as well. Having this pipe will greatly save time on maintenance.

Techniques for laying plastic ponds

After preparing the area, plastic can be laid over the pond area. The method of laying and decorating the edge of the pond depends on the needs of each person. Because there are many techniques and styles of plastic pond laying, depending on your budget. Work format and pond paving area as well. We would like to give an example of making a fish pond using simple interlocking bricks so that everyone can understand how to use it. “Plastic pond lining” as follows
  • Build the bricks to the desired orientation: Take interlocking brick blocks and lay them in alternating layers until the desired height is achieved. The top layer should be left blank for now. To be placed over the plastic pond lining to ensure a strong hold.
  • Lay plastic over the pond: Lay the plastic slightly beyond the base of the bricks. Because when the top layer of brick is built in, The plastic pond liner will fit snugly over the edge of the brick pond.
  • Place the last layer of bricks: When the plastic pond liner is placed and the shape is complete. Place the remaining interlocking brick blocks on top of the plastic pond liner to form the top layer of the pond.
  • Keep the details neat: If the plastic pond linen extends beyond the edge of the pond to the point of looking unsightly, Can be cut to fit for beauty. When finished, you can immediately release the water into the pond.

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